Saaremaa Wildlife Safari conducts birdwatching in Saaremaa.

Prize:from 50€/h

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As Saaremaa Nature Tours is focused on introducing Saaremaa's nature, our favourite places are those that are unique to the island, such as coastal areas and water bodies.

Birdwatching can be done all year round all over Saaremaa. The most species-rich periods are the spring and autumn when birds are migrating. At the end of September and in October there are thousands of Common Cranes gathering in Saaremaa. From January to March rare Steller's Eiders are overwintering on the north coast of the island.
The Black Grouse lek can be observed and photographed from March until the first weeks of May from our Black Grouse Hide.

Birdwatching combined with a canoe trip in Laidevahe nature reserve is particularly
an experience to remember.